domingo, 25 de maio de 2008

The 3rd International UNESCO-Conference on Geoparks

To create appropriate methods to raise the awareness of the geological heritage of our planet - far beyond the Geopark‘s borders. The Earth is a huge, dynamic system. We are part of this system and while admittedly we are a small part, we have the potential to destabilize it. The history of the Earth shows, that our planet is in a state of continuous change, it´s rocks tell us about post environments, fossils tell us about the changes of ecosystems.

Osnabrück, capital of the Global Geopark TERRA.vita.

2 comentários:

Maíra Roman disse...

Nos mantenha atualizado dos acontecimentos na Conferência,

Júlio Cesar disse...

A UNESCO avaliou o Geopark?